How does care at AVIVA Northwest work?
AVIVA Northwest is a medication assisted weight loss clinic providing telehealth care visits to you at a convenient location including your home. We serve residents in Idaho and Washington and can serve other patients if they are physically located in Washington or Idaho during their telehealth care visits. AVIVA Northwest is staffed by pharmacists with special training in weight loss treatment and weight loss medication management. To start, you will need to schedule a virtual initial consultation to establish care with AVIVA Northwest. We will evaluate your goals and options for medication assisted weight loss and review your risks and benefits of weight loss with medication assistance. We will collect payment at this visit. You may need to obtain additional lab work at your own expense before treatment can begin. AVIVA Northwest staff will order this lab work for you, if it is needed.
- You will be required to see an AVIVA Northwest practitioner to establish care at the clinic. This appointment will be a virtual visit conducted via telehealth. You can be in your home or in an IDAHO or WASHINGON STATE location at the time of the visit. Establishing care is the process of beginning a long-term relationship with a provider at AVIVA Northwest who will be your trusted source for all your weight loss medical needs. This Telehealth Virtual Visit will consist of a thorough health history review and brief physical exam, and a review of labs. A thorough review of you goals and expectations and risks and benefits of treatment will be discussed. You can decide if you wish to pursue further treatment with AVIVA Northwest at the end of the visit.
- If you are a candidate for care and you chose to receive medication management and monitoring for weight loss with AVIVA Northwest you will schedule Telehealth Virtual Follow-up Visits. These visits will consist of health history updates, brief physical exam, pharmacy benefits investigation support, therapy assessment, medication prescribing, ongoing monitoring and management of weight loss, ordering labs, medication education, injection training and support, weight loss coaching, and referral to other practitioners when appropriate or requested.
You have the option to make an appointment at any time during normal business hours with a provider at AVIVA Northwest. This can be scheduled by you by choosing an open appointment through your patient portal scheduling option or by messaging or calling the office. We will collect payment at time of each visit.
AVIVA Northwest does not bill medical insurance for the cost of your care. You will be responsible for payment of services. AVIVA Northwest accepts credit cards, debit cards and health savings cards as method of payment. You will be asked to enter your payment information at time of scheduling your appointment. Your payment will be charged at time of check-in to your virtual appointment.
Unfortunately, AVIVA Northwest is unable to give any refund after you make your payment for a visit or fill a medication order. The medication and virtual visit services are non-refundable and non-returnable.
You are responsible to cancel your appointment 24 hours in advance or you will be automatically billed a cancellation fee of $100. If you do not cancel your appointment within 24 hours, you are responsible to pay AVIVA Northwest the cancellation fee.
Prices are subject to change based on medication and overhead costs of doing business. Prices are displayed and available on our website when you choose to book your appointment. Prices vary based on services you chose to receive from AVIVA Northwest.
If you chose to start a new weight loss medication, AVIVA Northwest will require monthly virtual visit to evaluate, monitor, assess, titrate, and continue your medicine until you are titrated to the maximum tolerated dose of medicine. We see you monthly to ensure the medication dose is safe and effective for you and you are not experiencing adverse effects. Monthly visits usually occur for 6 months while you are titrated on the medicine. We will collect visit payment at each monthly visit and will order the pharmacy to dispense 4 weeks of medication at each visit, if you continue the medication. Once you are fully titrated on your medicine and tolerating the dose, AVIVA Northwest will require a virtual visit every 3 months. When you are on a stable dose of medicine, we will reorder your prescription to the pharmacy of your choice. We will collect payment at time of each visit and at the medication ordering. The payment will depend on the medication you are taking and the quantity you would like to refill.
Medication refills can be requested via the secure patient portal messaging or by calling our office or by scheduling a virtual visit. Schedule appointments and contact our office at least 7 days before your refill is due to ensure you receive your medication before your dose is due.